Products / Detergents / OCEAN FL 110 – Alkaline floor cleaner

OCEAN FL 110 – Alkaline floor cleaner

The preparation is intended for cleaning floor coveringsCuts 5 L

How to use: May Ocean FL 110 is an alkaline preparation designed for mechanical cleaning of hard water- and alkali-resistant floor surfaces. It is suitable for cleaning surfaces in kitchens, shops, parking lots, garages and others. May Ocean FL 110 can also be used for manual cleaning of contaminated surfaces.

Dosage: For basic cleaning of hard floors: apply diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100. Leave it on for about 2-3 minutes. The treated surface is rinsed abundantly with clean water.

To remove stains: apply diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Composition: Sodium hydroxide 1-5%, non-genic surfactants 5-15%, phosphonate 1-5%, aroma and water.

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