Products / Detergents / OCEAN T-MAXY - non-contact washing of cars

OCEAN T-MAXY - non-contact washing of cars

Purpose: Alkaline, concentrated detergent for non-contact washing of cars and trucks, parts, bodies, polymer covers, etc.

Cuts: 20 Kg​Purpose: MY OCEAN T-MAXY is an alkaline, concentrated preparation for contactless washing cars and trucks, details, bodies, polymer bedspreads, etc.
Composition: Sodium hydroxide 15-30%; HEDP 5-15%Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated 68131-39-5 1-5%

How to use: Apply under pressure or with a spray pump at a temperature of the working solution to 30ºС. Wait 2-3 minutes and rinse with water on high-pressure.